Monday, March 16, 2009

My Cute Dog, Buddy :)

Hungry, thirsty, love couches. :)

Leave me alone, I tired.

Okay, just stare completely into the camera...

Huh, what, were you taking a picture?

Hi, I'm Buddy, and I'm fluffy!

Funny Funny

Was I cute?

Were we cute?

Were were all so cute!!
(Whitney made that dress! How fun!)

This is a time we were imitating Napoleon Dynamite, and had some fun! Did you have fun Buddy? ... Guess not.

They're my tater tots!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Serving for Senior Ball

I had the best Valentines Day! I got to serve my brother and a ll his little friends for Senior Ball! And look how cute they are, they begged us to come in a picture with them! They kept saying, "Oh, yah, yah, but let's get the little girls in a picture..." and "But we need one of the little girls!" it was cute to see them being so nice to Brielle and I, Brinley.
Desert was the best! Oh wait... how would I know, I didn't get any!

This is when the wanted Brielle and I to be in a picture with them. It wasn't that cute, but they acted like it was, so it made Brielle and I feel like we were cute enough! :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Snowboarding is Great!

This was the best day! I ditched school with Preston because we decided to go up to Grand Targhee! Ha-ha, Spencer and Whitney couldn't miss another day of school :( but Brielle wanted to go to school! Does she know how fun snowboarding is?

Thanks to 'some stranger' we got our picture taken! Thanks 'some stranger'!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Gingerbread Houses

This was so fun hanging with my cousins and making gingerbread houses at Aunt Amy's. Mine is the tall one! I think I ate more candy than I used to decorate my house. Ugh! I felt sick. My cousins are so fun to be around. I love this tradition!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blue Christmas

This was our second tree I got to pick the decorations and colors and decorate it. We kind of gave up at the end. I love the smell of fresh Christmas trees! It was so much fun picking out the tree and decorating it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Shopping For Christmas Decorations

I love to go shopping with mom especially at Wal-mart. It seems like that's where we usually go for everything. The fun part about shopping is playing with everything. We were looking for decorations for a our second tree. Will this work?

Thanks to moms Iphone she can catch us in action. Brielle wanted this hat because it said "Angel". Boy is that untrue! Just kidding I love ya sis. This nice old man kept trying to find me a hat that said "Angel" as well but I had better plans.

This is the hat that I wanted. What do you think?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Halloween was so much fun! Mom had a yummy dinner and invited grandma and grandpa and our cousins. Then I went Trick or Treating with my friends Alexa and Cami. We got so much candy my bag weighed 8lbs. I will never be able to eat it all!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Idaho Falls Tigers Beat Skyline Grizzlies

This is me and my wonderful friend, Lauren. We were cheering for the Tigers at the Emotion Bowl! It was an amazing night. There was a jet that did a fly by and it looked so cool. They shot t-shirts into the audience but I never got one because some mean old guy stole it from me as I was catching it. We ran around and saw all our friends and were very hyper! I like football games. Go Tigers!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Labor Day Trip To Grand Targhee

I'm so super happy! I just got my Grand Targhee pass. Yummy hot chocolate!

Wow, this is the largest potato I've ever seen! My neighbor once knocked this over when he was a wild teenager! How'd he do it? It's so big! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

After a fun summer we were actually ready to go back to school. I'm excited to see my friends. My new teacher is Mrs. Baird. She is really funny and nice. I also have some fun friends in my class. This year is going to be a blast! Everyone looks so cute!