Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Gingerbread Houses

This was so fun hanging with my cousins and making gingerbread houses at Aunt Amy's. Mine is the tall one! I think I ate more candy than I used to decorate my house. Ugh! I felt sick. My cousins are so fun to be around. I love this tradition!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blue Christmas

This was our second tree I got to pick the decorations and colors and decorate it. We kind of gave up at the end. I love the smell of fresh Christmas trees! It was so much fun picking out the tree and decorating it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Shopping For Christmas Decorations

I love to go shopping with mom especially at Wal-mart. It seems like that's where we usually go for everything. The fun part about shopping is playing with everything. We were looking for decorations for a our second tree. Will this work?

Thanks to moms Iphone she can catch us in action. Brielle wanted this hat because it said "Angel". Boy is that untrue! Just kidding I love ya sis. This nice old man kept trying to find me a hat that said "Angel" as well but I had better plans.

This is the hat that I wanted. What do you think?